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90 repositories, 478 followers.
Most Recent Repos
UITableViewCell subclass to add multiple buttons to a swipe-under menu like iOS 7 Mail.
24 forks.
175 stars.
4 open issues.
Recent commits:
- Merge pull request #21 from bryant1410/masterFix broken headings in Markdown files, GitHub
- Fix broken Markdown headings, Santiago Castro
- Merge pull request #20 from orthographic-pedant/spell_check/backgroundFix typographical error(s), designatednerd
- Fix typographical error(s)Changed backgorund to background in README., orthographic-pedant
- Bump podspec, Ellen Shapiro
Creates a category on UIImage from Asset Catalogs in order to reduce typos and enable auto-complete with image names.
11 forks.
46 stars.
5 open issues.
Recent commits:
- Merge pull request #37 from brockboland/release_33.0.0 tweaks, GitHub
- Update author attributions, Brock Boland
- Update podspec version and binary, Brock Boland
- Merge pull request #36 from brockboland/swift3Swift 3 support, GitHub
- Gym can't build command-line tools. Use xcodebuild instead, Brock Boland
4 forks.
7 stars.
0 open issues.
Recent commits:
- Update ReadMe, Ellen Shapiro
- Moar documentations., Ellen Shapiro
- Add beforeClass and AfterClass stuff., Ellen Shapiro
- User parameterized with ignoring case, fix bug., Ellen Shapiro
- Moar documentations on parameterized, Ellen Shapiro
A simple example of parsing local JSON to feed an application data.
0 forks.
0 stars.
0 open issues.
Recent commits:
- Nuke boilerplate; Spelling is hard., Ellen Shapiro
- Add test target, Ellen Shapiro
- Move to launch screen, Ellen Shapiro
- Rearrange files and get naming in order in comments, Ellen Shapiro
- – Added ability to read from Plist and actual Plist itself- Added ability to write to Plist or JSON file- Fixed name of the NBA., Ellen Shapiro
Code to support letting your users choose between opening links in Google Chrome or Mobile Safari.
0 forks.
1 stars.
0 open issues.
Recent commits:
- Initial Commit., Ellen SShapiro
- Initial Commit, Ellen Shapiro