Quitting All Your Running iPhone Apps To Save Battery Life: Still Bunk.

I wrote a bit about this right as iOS 7 was coming out, so now that iOS 8 has just been announced, I wanted to link to this excellent, exhaustive blog post by Scotty Loveless, The Ultimate Guide to Solving iPhone Battery Drain. The TL;DR: Turn off background fetch on any apps you don’t want ...

Code Freebie: BrowserChooser for iOS

I’ve published my first iOS open-source project, BrowserChooser. It demonstrates the use of a category I wrote to allow users to open a link in Mobile Safari or Google Chrome for iOS. The code is ARC-compliant and published under the MIT license, meaning it’s free to reuse in any type of application. Submit a pull ...

Quasi-Related: Make Your Own Moving Labels

Quasi-Related: Make Your Own Moving Labels
I originally typed this info up as a response to a post over at Lifehacker. While this falls outside of most of my technical help suggestions, since it involves using technology to make your move easier, I decided to put it up over here. The last time I moved, I found something that helped me ...